2010 Salah Aidarous Memorial Award

by brendan jennings on April 23rd, 2010

Dr. Masayoshi Ejiri, 2010 Salah Aidarous Memorial Award Winner

Dr. Masayoshi Ejiri received the 2010 Salah Aidarous Award. The award is presented in memory of NOMS’04 Chair Salah Aidarous at each International Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) to an individual who has provided unremitting service and dedication to the IT and Telecommunications Network Operations and Management community. Masayoshi Ejiri worked at NTT for 28 years and then at Fujitsu for 12 years both in network management related jobs. He was the founding Telecommunications Management (TM) committee in Japan, which is equivalent to CNOM and KNOM. Masayoshi served as General Co-Chair of the first NOMS in Kyoto, Japan in 1996 with Shri Goyal and as General Co-Chair for NOMS 2004 in Seoul, Korea. As most of you know, both NOMSs have been very successful. He is truly considered as the father of network management in Japan. In addition, Masayoshi was one of the early contributors to ITU-T’s TMN (Telecommunications Management Network) recommendations, and the CNOM Vice Chair serving during the two years before Salah became the CNOM Chair.

Download award presentation slide set here.

1 Comment
  1. I’d like to add my personal congratulations to Ejiri-San who has clearly made a huge contribution to the community long before I had even heard of network management,


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